Thursday, August 22, 2013


The summer has been wet and cooler then usual.  The dolphin populations have been impacted by a mysterious die off north of our area.  News reports of 200 dolphins washing ashore in New Jersey and Virginia.  This may have an affect on the winter populations in this area.  Only time will tell and perhaps unravel the mystery of the dolphin mortality.

I have started a Face book page for Good fortune sail charters.  It has a lot of pictures taken from the deck of the boat this summer.  I think it can be reached by ( fortune sail charters) or by clicking the Facebook tag on the front page of the web site.

I have started taking bookings for the last week of August and the month of September
Aug. 26 half day taken
Aug 28 all day is taken
Sep. 1  half day is taken
Sep. 4 evening is taken
Sep. 5 All Day taken
Sep. 7 half day is taken
Sep. 8 dolphin watch taken
Sep. 12 Half Day taken
Sep. 13 Half Day taken

There are lots of pictures and video and articles on the blog.  Keep surfing.